image for post - FT 129: Get Things Done Even When You Don't Want To with Chris Cooper

FT 129: Get Things Done Even When You Don't Want To with Chris Cooper

Being a freelancer and running your own business sounds pretty glamorous. There’s no boss, no schedule, and you have the freedom to do things the way you like to do them. But with no manager breathing down your neck, you don’t always have the motivation to get things done. Reality starts to sink in, and you suddenly realize that you’re responsible for the things you don’t really want to do. If you’re a freelancer who finds it hard to stay motivated and finish all those tasks you don’t really want to, tune in now! Today’s episode of Freelance Transformation is all about getting things done even when we don’t feel like it.

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Chris Cooper shares with us:

Chris Cooper is a motivational speaker, mentor, and author. His book, The Power to Get Things Done, really speaks to freelancers like us. It breaks down ways to help prioritize our business goals and form consistent strategies to bring in new clients. If you’re running your own business or creating a freelance brand, your ultimate goal is to grow your business, right? You can only do that if you bring in new clients, and that’s exactly what Chris is talking about today.

“My purpose in life is to help others realize their true potential.”

The concept of freedom:

Chris says that the reason we have such a hard time doing the things we don’t want to do is because we have so much freedom as freelancers. When you’re your own boss and you’re working from home, it can be hard to avoid distraction and stay on task. Maybe you’ll work for hours on your logo but never actually call potential clients. That feels like work but isn’t actually growing your business. On the other hand, you may work for an hour or two and believe that justifies an hour or two of watching television when you know there are better ways to utilize your time.

“I was doing the things I wanted to do, not the things I needed to do to run a successful business.”

Your brain will make up all sorts of excuses to keep you from doing what you’re supposed to do. It’s well adept at avoidance techniques, and you can convince yourself of anything if it will get you out of your responsibilities. The trick is to break those habits and give your brain a reason to engage with the tasks you don’t want to do rather than avoid them. When you have all the freedom of being your own boss, it’s up to you to create the structure and manage your time in a way that tricks your brain into working for you instead of working for what feels good in that moment.

Write down your intentions.

“People underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

The big strategy Chris shares today is how to set realistic goals. Motivation comes from taking yourself and your business seriously, so get clear about your intentions. Write down where you see yourself in a year, in five years, even ten years. You don’t have to be terribly specific, but it will give you clarity and a sense of direction that can help you stay on task.

Chris recommends starting out small. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Give yourself attainable goals that you can achieve. Even something as little as tidying up and organizing your office space can make you feel productive and motivate you to accomplish even more. Every tiny success boosts confidence and makes you feel good about where you’re headed, so just go ahead and start something!

“It’s when you make that decision that you start to get into action.”

Follow through with your intentions:

It’s one thing to write all of your goals down, it’s another to actually put them into action. Chris recommends accepting right away that there are things you’re going to have to do. You chose to become a freelancer and be your own boss, and with that job title you’ve accepted certain responsibilities. Answer to those responsibilities by following through with the intentions you created.

Chris shares one of the best ways to follow through, and that is by simply telling other people what you’re doing. Talk about your business and your goals and get them excited. You won’t be able to let them down when they’re waiting to hear what you’ve accomplished. If that’s not motivation enough, Chris recommends hiring a coach or mentor to hold you accountable.

“Nobody ever achieved anything of massive significance on their own.”

When you invest in a personal coach, your motivation will come from wanting to see a return on that investment. Putting money into someone who is going to be tough on you and hold you accountable is really going to change the way you approach your work habits. There will be someone there to motivate you, to help you, and to hold high expectations over your head that will get you to tackle those tasks you don’t really want to do.

Committing to a path is the first step to breaking your habits and taking on those things you don’t want to do. Create intentions and implement a plan to follow through on them, and with Chris’ help in this episode, you should be able to see how opportunities present themselves once you buckle down and start taking yourself seriously. If you want to move forward in your freelancing business, take Chris Cooper’s advice and start getting things done!

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