Consulting often gets a bad rap due to poor execution, rather than a fundamental flaw in the consulting model. I learned that the hard way, and now I want to explain why I do genuinely love consulting.
Who is that ideal client, the client that NEEDS the specific services that you provide? I mean, if I could wave a magic wand, and your dream client would appear just like that, exactly as described, what would you request?
Here’s an email I received recently from a reader. Does this sound familiar?
“I have a cushy, Dilbert-style cubicle job. It pays very well, but it sucks the life out of me. I want to strike out on my own, but I'm afraid: afraid of the unknown, afraid of The Client From Hell, afraid of interruptions to our household cash-flow. Afraid of a million other details I can't even foresee. Are these legitimate fears? Are there other things I should be afraid of? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Is the reward greater than the risk?” – Jeff
My website development company turned 9 years old this month. To celebrate, I am sharing 6 of the most important lessons that I have learned.
Like many people starting out on their own, I knew nothing about actually selling my services. I was eager to take on any project, at almost any price.
Soon I had a lot of clients. But I was also working 12 hours a day and making only so-so money. That quickly made me start asking "what's the point?