FT 007: How to Be Productive, Successful, and Happy with John Sonmez
John has accomplished a lot over the past 15 years. "Retired" at 33, he now dedicates himself to helping software developers build an amazing life and career (and he frankly much of his advice applies just as well to designers, writers, etc).
Every week as a baseline he puts out:
- Two podcast episodes.
- 3 5-10 minute YouTube videos.
- A 2,000-3,000 word blog post.
- A 1,000 word enewsletter.
He also runs 10km, lifts three times a week, spends time with his family, and is always working on more projects.
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In this episode John shares:
- The path he followed to "retire" at just 33 years old.
- How to maximize your daily productivity using quotas for everyday tasks, the Pomodoro Technique, and the Kanban system.
- Being realistic with how much productive time you have in a day vs working at burnout levels.
- Breakdown of John's daily schedule.
- Why getting in shape delivers huge benefits to the rest of your life.
- If you're not in shape, how to get started in a sustainable way and the most important areas to start.
- How he's giving away a copy of his book (see below)
Get a Free Signed Copy of John's Book (valid until June 30th)
John is giving away a free signed copy of his book, "Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual" to one awesome Freelance Transformation listener who leaves an insightful comment below.
All you have to do is:
- Listen to the podcast.
- Leave a comment on this post explaining what specific action you will take as a result of listening to this episode to better yourself or your business. Leave your Twitter handle in your comment so that we can let you know that you have won.
John will pick a winner shortly after June 30th, 2015th.
Find John Online:
In case you need further proof that John is a man that makes things happen:
- SimpleProgrammer.com: John's blog delivering insights for programmers.
- Soft Skills: the Software Developer's Life Manual: John's book, which you could win by following the instructions above.
- DevCareerBoost.com: Learn how to market yourself a software developer. $100 off if you use the code TRANSFORM.
- Entreprogrammers.com: The podcast for Developerneurs.
- GetUpandCode.com: Fitness for programmers and software developers.
- Follow John on Twitter (@jsonmez)
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