The Freelance Transformation Podcast is Officially Live
I am very pleased to announce that the Freelance Transformation Podcast is finally and officially here.
Loyal subscribers will remember me first mentioning an upcoming podcast several months ago, and work first started on it far before that. Today I get to share it with.
So without further delay...
Welcome to the podcast that is all about transforming your freelancing into the type of lifestyle and income that you desire!
Listen to the First Episodes
The first three episodes are live, and new episodes will be posted approximately every two weeks. The best way to stay updated is to subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher.
Episode 1 - My Transformation Story (14 min)
In this mini introductory episode I share my own story of transforming my business, from disappointing earnings and 12-16 hour workdays to a business that I love and which affords me the lifestyle I want (and time for projects like Freelance Transformation).
Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher Show Notes
Episode 2 - Truly Nomadic Freelancing with Jason Hanley (63 min)
Jason Hanley is the real deal when it comes to living the remote work lifestyle and creating a beautifully efficient consultancy. In this episode Jason joins us to share the secrets on how he's managed to run his software development company while living all over the world.
Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher Show Notes
Episode 3 - Productivity and Working from Home with Barry Carter (46 min)
Poker freelance writer and marketer Barry Carter shares his work from home lifestyle and how he finds balance between staying productive and not becoming a workaholic. He also shares how his dog plays a key role in his productivity and staying in good health.
Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher Show Notes
Subscribe and Review
Be sure to subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher to receive the newest episodes. And if you have a moment, an honest rating and review on iTunes would mean the world to me. This is a new podcast, and audience feedback is a huge way that podcasts get found.
Share your thoughts and feedback below: