image for post - FT 017: Building an Agency that Doesn't Require You with Brian Casel

FT 017: Building an Agency that Doesn't Require You with Brian Casel

Brian Casel built Restaurant Engine, a website creation business. Then he removed himself from it, taking it to the point that the business required only a handful of hours a week of his own time. 

Learn how he did it, and how he's doing it again with Audience Ops. 

image for post - FT 002: Truly Nomadic Consulting with Jason Hanley

FT 002: Truly Nomadic Consulting with Jason Hanley

Joining me today is Jason Hanley, a long-time friend and the real deal when it comes to living the remote work lifestyle.

Jason has operated his several employee software consultancy while living all over the world, including British Columbia (Canada), Texas (USA), France, New Zealand, and his current home, the Carribean island nation of Saints Kitts and Nevis. In this episode Jason shares how he made this possible.