Where Successful Freelancers and Agency Owners Share the Details of How their Business Works

Trying to start or grow a sustainable freelancing business? Want a podcast where guests aren't permitted to omit the secret sauce?

Past guests have shared:

  • Exactly how they find clients.
  • How they price their services.
  • How their entire business model operates.

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image for post - FT 158: From Building Websites in Highschool to 5 Figure Projects with Joe Kashurba

FT 158: From Building Websites in Highschool to 5 Figure Projects with Joe Kashurba

Joe Kashurba, CEO & Founder at Kashurba Web Design, discusses steps he took to turn his high school side business into a successful agency. From getting bigger clients and higher paying work to hiring the right people and building a successful team, Joe has experienced it all!

image for post - FT 157: Story Selling Your Way to Clients with Crystal Smith

FT 157: Story Selling Your Way to Clients with Crystal Smith

Crystal Smith is the mastermind behind Shine Consulting where she helps solo-preneurs tell their origin stories in order to sell themselves better. Crystal refers to this process as "story-selling." Story-selling is more than just talking about your experiences, it's about connecting your own personal story to your business. 

image for post - FT 156: Turn Your Solo Freelancing into an Agency with Matt Kohn

FT 156: Turn Your Solo Freelancing into an Agency with Matt Kohn

Being a freelancer is often synonymous with being a "jack of all trades." You do everything in your business. You could be a web designer or writer, but you’re also a manager, a bookkeeper, and a marketer. Matt Kohn of Different Hunger Media shares his story of building his solo-freelance business into an agency. And how it's allowed him to focus on the development and future planning of his business.


image for post - FT 155: Go Freelance Faster with Agency Work with Seth Coelen

FT 155: Go Freelance Faster with Agency Work with Seth Coelen

If you’re trying to find enough freelance work to finally quit your full-time job, tune in now for Seth Coelen’s first-hand experience. Seth is on the podcast today because he truly knows how to set freelancers up for success. His techniques for finding clients and determining rates will help you establish the strong starting point you need to jump successfully into a freelance career.

image for post - FT 154: The Huge Advantages of Productized Consulting with Jane Portman

FT 154: The Huge Advantages of Productized Consulting with Jane Portman

Jane Portman, founder of UI Breakfast, is an amazing UI/UX consultant who loves helping entrepreneurs perfect their SaaS systems online and on mobile. She’s also an ace at productizing her skills. Productized consulting is a way to simplify your services and your rates in order to better serve your clients by offering them in neat, pre-priced packages.