Susan Fennema is a project managing genius. She is the CEO of Beyond the Chaos, and she helps freelancers reclaim their lives. She has tips and tricks to help you keep track of all the little details, and we discuss the strategies she uses to help freelancers put systems in place to run a better business.
It’s hard to find the perfect formula for scaling your business. But what if we told you there was a way to predict which business model would work best for you? Jeff Sauer knows how to grow and scale a freelance business. He just so happened to stumble upon the magic formula using his own business model.
Jessica Moorhouse is a millennial money expert. She is an award-winning personal finance blogger and podcast host who teaches millennials and freelancers alike how to manage their finances. On this episode, she breaks down the common misconceptions about finance and talks about what it really means to manage your freelance income.
Andy Johnson is a UI/UX design director and the creator of Harpoon, a finance management app for freelancers. He’s tested out his own financial theories, and he’s here today to talk about goal-based financial planning and how this strategy can help you meet your financial goals this year.
Happy New Year! Welcome to a special New Year's episode where we will discuss 5 things that you can do to boost your freelancing income in 2018. The suggested five changes were inspired by past interviews conducted on this podcast, as well as a few of Matt's own mistakes and triumphs. These are things that have consistently been seen to create a significant impact on the businesses of the guests on this podcast, the students of Freelance Start and, of course, of Matt himself.
2018 is right around the corner! Are there any big life changes coming your way? Could this be the year when you actually quit (or lose) your job and start your own freelancing business? Jason Swett, a programmer and app developer, survived the worst-case scenario during his very first year as a freelancer. He has some entertaining stories, followed by some great advice on how you might be able to survive your own “firsts” as a full-time freelancer.
Austin Felton is a unique freelancer who used his consulting business to fund his product business. He’s the creator of Entrecloud, a WordPress hosting software, and this product was inspired by his first consulting clients. While consulting influential entrepreneurs, Austin had the opportunity to ask clients directly what they were looking for and he tapped into a niche market that he could deliver to.